
Traverse City Conflict Resolution Services
A service supported by the Michigan Supreme Court

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Invite the Other Party to MI-Resolve

To use MI-Resolve, you will need to know basic contact details such as name, email, and street address, of the other party with whom you wish to resolve the pending matter. Once you enter your and the other party's contact information, you will receive a link to register for an account. If you do not have the required information, then please use the About section to contact the local center for assistance obtaining it.

Please note: If there is an open court case for the matter you wish to resolve you'll need to know your case information.

Are you the plaintiff or the defendant- You are the PLAINTIFF if you are the person who filed the case in court and you are the DEFENDANT if you are responding to the court case. You can also reference your court documents to confirm your role as plaintiff or defendant. For more information go to Frequently asked Questions or consult MichiganLegalHelp.org

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