34th District Court Online Case Review

Romulus, MI

What are the benefits of online case review?

It’s free and you can do it at your convenience from home, work, or school on your phone, tablet or computer.

You could get your charge amended to one with fewer or no driver's license points imposed by the Michigan Secretary of State. And you can do it online rather than going to court.

How is it different online than in court?

It’s not. There’s a law enforcement representative or prosecutor on the other side making decisions about your case based on the same criteria they would if you went to court. It just takes place through this website.

Why does the court allow online case review?

Everyone makes mistakes. If you have a good driving record, the law enforcement representative or prosecutor may be willing to offer you a lesser charge that adds fewer or no points to your license.

Have a case that you cannot find through the search?

If you did not find your case through the search below, please email the court at mailrequests@34thdistrictcourt-mi.org to receive assistance from a helpful staff member.

When will I have to pay?

If you accept the offer from the law enforcement representative/prosecutor, you must pay the new fine amount in full within two weeks of the acceptance date. If you fail to do so, you will be found responsible by default to the original charge as issued on the ticket and a $50 late fee will be added.